Japan Rail Planner

Planning a rail trip around Japan?Use Japan Rail Planner to plan your route, find accommodation, and more!

Plan your trip!

Or browse our route templates.

Our app helps you plan and book everything you need for your rail trip around Japan.


Plan and visualise your ideal route around Japan.


Easily view and edit your trip itinerary.


Quickly search for accommodation that lines up with your plan.


See how long it takes to travel between Japanese cities by rail.


Share your plan to visit Japan with the world.


Track how many days your Japan Rail Pass would need to cover.


Estimate how much your trip will cost as you edit your plan.


Add notes to your plan as you research your trip to Japan.

Japan Rail Planner is free to use!
Your trip to Japan won't cost anything extra.
So what are you waiting for? Start planning your Japan rail trip now!